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Preventing suicide in children and young people: What can GPs do?
Dr Maria Michail and Dr Faraz Mughal provide some practical tips that GPs should bear in mind when c...
Why general practice needs more young leaders
Next Generation GP is aimed at supporting emerging leaders in general practice. Its founder, GP trai...
GP retention fund needs more money and wider scope, warns RCGP
The GP retention fund requires 'more significant investment' to increase its impact on the GP workfo...
GP returner target should be doubled following early progress, RCGP says
The target number of GP 'returners' re-entering the primary care workforce by 2020 should be doubled...
Scrap overseas GP recruitment scheme unless it speeds up, says RCGP
NHS England should evaluate its international GP recruitment drive by the end of 2018 and redirect f...
RCGP demands extra £2.5bn for major overhaul of GP Forward View
The GP Forward View (GPFV) needs an 'urgent overhaul' backed by an extra £2.5bn investment to protec...