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Contraceptive pill seven-day breaks 'outdated', says family planning expert
GPs prescribing the contraceptive pill should tell women that they do not need to stop taking it for...
Contraceptive pill linked to reduced risk of rheumatoid arthritis
Taking oral contraceptive for seven or more consecutive years is linked to a 19% lower risk of devel...
Coil is most effective emergency contraception, says NICE
Women requesting emergency contraception should be advised that a copper IUD is more effective than ...
RCGP chair-elect backs contraceptive advice tool for GPs
A reference tool providing up-to-date guidance for GPs on when they can safely prescribe contracepti...
Contraceptive injection 'still a good option' despite increased HIV risk
The contraceptive injection should still be offered to women despite new research suggesting it incr...
Scrapped QOF indicator increased LARC uptake, study finds
A QOF indicator for contraceptive counselling that was scrapped in the 2014/15 contract deal had hel...
GPs urged to offer greater choice of contraception
GPs have been urged to improve patient access to and choice of contraception, particularly long-acti...
LARC use doubles in 15 years
Women attending community sexual health clinics now use almost twice as many long-acting reversible ...
Exclusive: GPs set for 'fast-track' LARC training
GPs will be offered 'fast-track' training to fit long-acting reversible contraception (LARCs) from 2...
LARC fitting by GPs undermined by funding shortfall
GPs' ability to offer and fit long-acting reversible contraceptives (LARCs) is being held back by a ...