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PCNs offered seven-figure sums to pilot controversial new GP models
Up to 20 'test sites' across England will be offered seven-figure sums to trial controversial new mo...
Funding withdrawal could force PCNs to make ARRS staff redundant, LMCs warn
PCNs will be forced to choose between making additional roles staff redundant or asking member pract...
'Orphan' GP practice under financial pressure after being frozen out of PCNs
A GP practice unable to join or form a PCN despite several attempts has revealed the financial press...
ICBs to pilot ways to 'optimise the general practice operating model'
ICBs will work with a small number of PCNs to pilot 'operational changes and improvements that would...
GP supervision role for ARRS staff must be fully funded, say LMCs
GPs and ARRS staff need 'funded and protected time' for supervision and learning, and practices shou...
ARRS model should be 'turned on its head', says BMA GP leader
The way additional roles staff are used in general practice should be 'turned on its head' so that G...
PCNs demand streamlined GP contracts and more funding from 2024/25
Primary care leaders have called for streamlined contracts, more local freedom and mechanisms to dri...
GPs demand new supervision rules for ARRS staff after patient death
GPs have demanded new supervision rules for additional roles reimbursement scheme (ARRS) staff after...
BMA defends call to scrap PCNs as GPs leading networks push back
Scrapping PCNs could help GPs focus on local patients' priorities, the BMA has said - after a group ...
GP practice managers 'moving to PCN roles for better pay'
GP practices across England are losing practice managers to PCN roles offering higher rates of pay, ...