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Alcohol misuse raises AF risk
Alcohol misuse greatly raises the risk of AF among people with cardiovascular disease or diabetes, r...
GPs must grasp patient perspective to tackle cardiovascular disease
GPs need a greater understanding of patients' views of cardiovascular disease to help improve outcom...
NICE says QOF targets for BP should be lowered
QOF targets for BP should be reduced to 140/90 for people under 80 years old for 2013/14, but kept a...
Evidence base: Hypertension
A summary of the evidence behind the diagnostic criteria and management of hypertension...
Clinical Review - GP management of hypertension
A clinical review of the diagnosis and management of hypertension, according to the latest NICE guid...
Edible microchips could monitor UK patients' temperature and heart rate
Edible microchips could be used to monitor UK patients' temperature and heart rate, after a high str...
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