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How the GMC's updated Good Medical Practice applies in real life
MDU medico-legal adviser Dr Ellie Mein looks at how the GMC’s updated guidance would be relevant to ...
How to ensure safe remote consultations in your practice
Dr Ellie Mein, medico-legal adviser at the Medical Defence Union (MDU), suggests GPs review their pr...
What GPs need to know about changes to Good Medical Practice
Changes to the GMC's Good Medical Practice guidance come into effect on 30 January 2024. Dr Udvitha ...
Government plan to cap clinical negligence costs 'should be far more ambitious'
Government plans to cap legal costs in low-value clinical negligence cases should apply up to a thre...
Legal ruling over abusive patient strengthens zero tolerance stance for practices
A judge has thrown out a legal claim against a practice that removed an abusive patient from its lis...
Medico-legal: Effectively following clinical guidelines
Ahead of the revised Good Medical Practice coming into effect in January 2024, MDU medico-legal advi...
GPs demand new supervision rules for ARRS staff after patient death
GPs have demanded new supervision rules for additional roles reimbursement scheme (ARRS) staff after...
Medico-legal: Be alert for travel-related illnesses this summer
Medical Defence Union (MDU) medico-legal adviser Dr Kathryn Leask advises GPs on how to minimise the...
Gaps in GMC referral and exam pass rates for ethnic minority doctors falling, says GMC
Gaps in fitness to practise referrals and exam pass rates between doctors from white and ethnic mino...
Common GP concerns about reporting patients to the DVLA
Concerns about breaching patient confidentiality and how to deal with complaints from patients whose...