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Newly-qualified GPs: Planning your CPD
Dr Anish Kotecha provides advice for newly-qualified GPs on creating a personal development plan (PD...
What GPs need to know about new guidance on reflection
MDU medico-legal adviser Dr Ellie Mein explains new guidance, which aims to reassure doctors of the ...
Getting the most out of your appraisal
Advice to help GPs prepare for their annual appraisal. By Dr Marika Davies from Medical Protection....
Preparing for your first appraisal as a GP
Dr Prashini Naidoo provides advice for GP trainees approaching the end of their training and newly-q...
Preparing for appraisal as a GP locum
Dr Anna Cumisky provides an overview of the things to consider when preparing for appraisal....
How 'young GP' groups can support newly-qualified GPs
Joining a 'young GP' group can provide valuable support and ongoing education for GPs who have recen...
Career development: Taking on the role of GP appraiser
The challenges faced by GP appraisers and how to overcome them....
How to write a focused PDP
Producing a good PDP will help with your appraisal, advises Professor Rodger Charlton....
Book review: Diagnosis and risk management in primary care; words that count, numbers that speak
This is a gem of a book, writes Dr Linda Miller....
Get ready for revalidation
Professor Rodger Charlton provides GPs with tips to help them prepare for the new system....