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GP indemnity costs set to rise under government regulation plans
GPs could face increased costs under plans to regulate provision of medical indemnity, a government ...
RCGP calls on Matt Hancock to review state indemnity funding decision
RCGP chair Professor Helen Stokes-Lampard has written to health secretary Matt Hancock urging him to...
Anger at RCGP Council over 'kick in the teeth' on state-backed indemnity
RCGP Council members have reacted angrily to the government's announcement that state-backed indemni...
LMCs outraged over plan to use existing GP funding to pay for state indemnity
GP leaders are 'outraged and deeply concerned' over government plans to pay for state-backed GP inde...
Government 'currently aiming' for state-backed indemnity to start in April 2019
The government is 'currently aiming' for state-backed indemnity to start in April 2019, according to...
State-backed indemnity will be paid for from existing GP funding
The state-backed GP indemnity scheme due to begin from next year will be funded 'from existing resou...
Partners face pay cut if state-backed indemnity strips cash from global sum
GP partners' income could be at risk if the cost of the state-backed indemnity deal due to begin nex...
GPs should not be frogmarched into 'untested' state indemnity deal, says MDO
GPs should not be forced to switch to the 'untested' state-backed indemnity model due to take effect...
Locum rates set to fall after state-backed indemnity kicks in
Locums could freeze or reduce the fees they charge after state-backed GP indemnity takes effect from...
State-backed indemnity could be part-funded from existing GP pay
Existing practice income could be top-sliced to fund the state-backed GP indemnity scheme due to sta...