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Viewpoint: How lifestyle medicine can help GPs tackle health inequalities
Dr Ellen Fallows explains the evidence to support lifestyle medicine, how it can help those from all...
Viewpoint: Controversial ruling could force GPs to 'practise as lawyers rather than clinicians'
Dr John Hughes explains why a recent legal case that saw a woman sue her GP for the advice her mothe...
How gardening can help improve wellbeing
Dr Shahnaz Camatchee explains her love of gardening, how it can help improve physical and mental wel...
Viewpoint: Are PCNs working - and where do they go from here?
Primary care networks have brought groups of GP practices together across England under a nationally...
Project aims to help GPs tackle health inequalities in most deprived areas
A project between Yorkshire & Humber Academic Health Science Network and the CQC is aiming to highli...
Viewpoint: We need more GPs if we are to provide more face-to-face care
GP practices are facing rising levels of abuse from patients and the media, but the truth is we are ...
5 ways GPs can help patients affected by air pollution
As world leaders work out how to solve the wider problem of air pollution at COP26, Dr Andrew Whitta...
Shared decision making must be at the heart of all interactions with patients
New guidance on shared decision making makes clear it is is no longer a ‘nice to have’ but must be b...
How can we improve care for bereaved patients?
GP Dr Catherine Millington Sanders explains how practices can improve care for bereaved patients and...
Viewpoint: Social prescribing link workers are all about general practice medicine
Christiana Melam, chief executive of the National Association of Link Workers, explains how social p...
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