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Jaundice - red flag symptoms
Which signs and symptoms are red flags that jaundice may have a serious cause?...
Haematuria - red flag symptoms
Dr Suneeta Kochhar explores the red flag symptoms that may indicate a serious cause of haematuria....
Chronic kidney disease - clinical review
An in-depth guide to the diagnosis and management of chronic kidney disease (CKD) in primary care....
Cardiovascular complications of renal disease
Aetiology and management of risk factors for cardiovascular disease in patients with chronic kidney ...
Renal colic - Clinical Review
How to manage renal stones and prevent recurrence. By Dr Matt Varrier, Ms Susan Willis and Marlies O...
Clinical Review: Acute kidney injury
Contributed by Dr Hannah Kilbride, specialist registrar, and Dr Marlies Ostermann, consultant in nep...
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