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GPs should routinely ask patients about gambling, says draft NICE guidance
GPs should ask patients about whether they gamble at health checks or when they attend with mental h...
Low mood – red flag symptoms
Low mood is a common presentation and can be a sign of a mental health condition or a physical condi...
Preventing suicide in children and young people: What can GPs do?
Dr Maria Michail and Dr Faraz Mughal provide some practical tips that GPs should bear in mind when c...
Guidance update: NICE guidelines on depression in adults
Dr Toni Hazell explains NICE guidance on depression in adults....
Clinical review: Eating disorders
The diagnosis and management of eating disorders in primary care, covering validated screening tools...
Self-harm in children and young people
How to recognise the signs and symptoms of self-harm in young people and the common psychiatric diso...
Emotional distress in children and young people
How to recognise emotional distress in children and young people and when to refer to mental health ...
Generalised anxiety disorder: clinical review
An overview of the diagnosis and management of generalised anxiety disorder (GAD), including identif...
Alzheimer's disease - clinical review
Pitfalls in making a diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease, The National Dementia Strategy and management...
Schizophrenia: clinical review
Incidence of psychosis and schizophrenia, recognition of signs and symptoms, the role of medication ...
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