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GMC sanction 12 times more likely for doctors who do badly in postgrad exams
Doctors who perform poorly in postgraduate professional exams are twelve times more likely to face f...
GP trainers work longer hours than trainers in hospitals
GP trainers are working longer hours than trainers in hospitals and the heavy workload is having a d...
Medical schools lose 200 students a year amid money and mental health pressure
More than 200 potential doctors quit medical school every year, according to a report warning of sig...
New video aims to encourage more doctors to #ChooseGP
A new campaign to encourage foundation doctors and medical graduates to specialise in general practi...
Refugee doctors programme could boost GP workforce
Refugee doctors will be trained to work in general practice under a scheme set to launch this winter...
GP training: The Swiss cheese model for significant event analysis
Dr Prashini Naidoo explains how the 'Swiss cheese model' can be used by GP trainees to analyse signi...
Assessing a GP educator's training video - a marking grid
GP trainers need to provide evidence of peer review of a teaching episode as part of their deanery's...
GP training: Tips for your ST3 year
Dr Patrice Baptiste shares some tips for GP trainees at the start of their ST3 year....
What GPs need to know about new guidance on reflection
MDU medico-legal adviser Dr Ellie Mein explains new guidance, which aims to reassure doctors of the ...
GP training: Structuring the consultation in the CSA exam
Dr Pipin Singh provides tips on how to structure a consultation during the CSA exam....