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Training practice workload could be cut by changes to GP trainee contract
Paperwork and bureaucracy for training practices could be reduced by government proposals for a 'lea...
Book review: Diagnosis and risk management in primary care; words that count, numbers that speak
This is a gem of a book, writes Dr Linda Miller....
GP shortage will be made worse by four-year training, warns report
Plans to extend GP training to four years will create a 'significant drop in GP supply' that will ta...
Get ready for revalidation
Professor Rodger Charlton provides GPs with tips to help them prepare for the new system....
GMC backs independent review of GP training
The GMC and other NHS authorities have launched a UK-wide independent review to assess how medical t...
GP trainers face remediation role
GP trainers could face extra work helping GPs who need remediation to get through revalidation, an e...
GPs in Devon win £3.5m funding boost for training
GP trainee numbers will rise 20% next year in Devon after GP leaders secured a £3.5m increase in fun...
Exclusive video: How revalidation for GPs will work
New RCGP medical director of revalidation Professor Nigel Sparrow explains how revalidation will wor...
Consultants must be 'primary care literate'
All consultants should do general practice placements during medical training so they have the prima...
GP trainee placements cut as other specialties fail to recruit
GP trainees are spending less time in general practice because of low recruitment levels in secondar...
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