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How GPs can help patients with asthma to use inhalers correctly
Correct inhaler technique is vital for people with asthma. Asthma UK clinical lead Dr Andy Whittamor...
Full details of state-backed GP indemnity scheme published
NHS Resolution has published the full rules of the new Clinical Negligence Scheme for GPs, along wit...
Medico-legal: Are you social media savvy?
The MDU's head of advisory services, Dr Caroline Fryar, challenges GPs to test their knowledge of th...
What we know so far about plans for state-backed GP indemnity
Plans to introduce state-backed GP indemnity offered some hope to a profession that has seen costs s...
How GPs can provide good end-of-life care
Providing end-of-life care is one of the hardest aspects of being a GP, especially when you have kno...