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Obesity in school children continues to rise
More than a third of primary school children in England are an unhealthy weight and the number is in...
GP pilot offers obese patients free weight-loss sessions
Northern Ireland GPs can now refer obese patients to free weight-loss sessions in a pilot scheme lau...
How 'functional medicine' could help improve health
Dr Anuradha Arasu explains a new approach to preventive medicine....
Scottish GPs demand compulsory nutritional education in schools
LMCs in Scotland have called for nutritional education to be made a compulsory part of the national ...
Rare diseases - Kearns-Sayre syndrome
The presentation of Kearns-Sayre syndrome, explained by Dr Keith Barnard...
GPs given vitamin D prescribing advice
GPs have been told which vitamin D supplements they can prescribe to prevent deficiency in line with...
GPs demand help to cut cost of vitamin D care
Erratic supplies force GPs to prescribe costly unlicensed medicines as GPC calls for clear advice....
Treating vitamin D deficiency to cost £100m a year by 2013
Treating vitamin D deficiency in primary care is set to cost more than £100m a year by 2013, as the ...
GPs told to investigate obesity in last minute of consultation
GPs must use the last minute of consultations with obese patients to discuss their weight to tackle ...
CMOs issue vitamin D warning to GPs
GPs should alert patients at risk of vitamin D deficiency and inform them of how to get free supplem...
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