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QOF targets face axe under NICE plans
QOF indicators that incentivise GPs to take blood pressure readings from patients with kidney diseas...
Diastolic BP overtreatment raises CV risk
Pushing diastolic BP below 70mmHg in type-2 diabetes can increase the risk of cardiovascular events,...
NHS cannot stop social factors behind CHD rate
Variation in CHD mortality is largely caused by population factors, rather than quality of healthcar...
The Basics - Understanding hypercholesterolaemia
Hypercholesterolaemia can lead to an increased cardiovascular risk profile....
Emergency medicine - How to assess and manage head injuries
A normal neurological examination does not reliably indicate the absence of a lesion following head ...
Lipid-waist identifies CHD risk in absence of other factors
Even in the absence of traditional risk factors, people with large waistlines and high blood lipid l...
Pulmonary hypertension charity launches blue lips campaign
A campaign urging participants to wear blue lipstick to raise awareness of lung condition pulmonary ...
RCGP backs NICE advice on CVD
Cutting levels of salt and saturated fat in processed food could save tens of thousands of lives a y...
Statins for CVD set for QOF in 2012/13
Prescribing statins to hypertensive patients at risk of cardiovascular disease may be included in th...
NICE to examine statins for hypertension patients
Prescribing statins to hypertensive patients at risk of cardiovascular disease may be included in th...
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