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Dr Buckman condemned ideas to replace hospitals with polyclinics and polysystems

Doctors and patients oppose 'disastrous' plans for London's health services

Doctors and patients were called to take action against NHS London's plans for the capital at an imp...

Threat to QOF scores for diabetes

Quality framework payments for diabetes are likely to fall this year as GPs push fewer patients to a...

Baroness Thornton replaces Lord Darzi at DoH

Baroness Glenys Thornton has been unveiled by the DoH as the new health minister, filling the gap cr...

Swine flu payment estimator for English practices launched

Estimates of whether practices' uptake of swine flu jabs is high enough to qualify for additional fu...

Dr Bailey: local health boards are diverting enahnced services cash

Enhanced services funds diverted

Local health boards diverted more than half of a £6.5 million uplift for enhanced services in Wales ...

Dr Holden: reforms could compromise benefits GPs have accured

PCT plans 'will vaporise services'

Plans to reorganise community services this year will damage patient care and restrict GPs' access t...

Mr Lewis, Bute Surveyors: When practices have their rent revalued, it is 'always worth getting your own opinion from a specialist'

Exclusive: GPs denied five-figure sums on rent

Up to three quarters of UK practices may be receiving too little notional rent, with some losing out...

A registrar survival guide - How to gain recognition in the workplace

Contributed by Dr Anna Greenham, a salaried GP in Gateshead...

Endoscope of oesophagitis, which is often caused by acid reflux that irritates the oesophagus lining (photograph: SPL)

The basics - Dyspepsia

Treatment can be simple, but dyspepsia is so common it is costing the NHS, says Dr Anna Cumisky....

Chris Lancelot: We are trusted, so why not trust our opinions?

As doctors consistently come top of the list of the most trusted people in the country, why do polit...

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