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Dr Chris Mimnagh: Flexible working could help retain GPs and benefit practices
A part-time GP, Dr Chris Mimnagh now works more in the winter and less in the summer to help his pra...
Dr Chris Mimnagh: Social prescribing could become a sore point for GPs
The term 'social prescribing' implies a doctor-knows-best approach - renaming it could help clarify ...
Dr Chris Mimnagh: General practice can do more to promote health
It's no longer possible for GPs to do everything and we may need to consider more GPSI roles - inclu...
Dr Chris Mimnagh: What can GPs learn from the Facebook data breach scandal?
What does the Facebook and Cambridge Analytica furore mean for general practice?...
Dr Chris Mimnagh: We need evidence on the effectiveness of health apps
Right now in the NHS apps are being prescribed or recommended to patients. But do we have the eviden...
Dr Chris Mimnagh: Satisfaction with GPs is falling, it's time for a new approach
So satisfaction with general practice is at a 35-year low....
Dr Chris Mimnagh: There is no one-size-fits-all for GP workload limits
Workload is a hot topic - it always is in winter, but this year perhaps more so given the pressures ...
Dr Chris Mimnagh: A cautionary tale of healthcare in the future
I'm not going to comment on current affairs this week, instead can I tell a story of the far off fut...
Dr Chris Mimnagh: How can we avoid future winter crises in the NHS?
The commentators say this is the winter crisis to end all winter crises. Sadly I'm not sure this thi...
Dr Chris Mimnagh: Technology will play a greater role in primary care in 2018
I thought I'd combine my December and new year missives into one this year and take a look back and ...