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Exclusive: RCGP roundtable on the future of commissioning
An RCGP roundtable discussed how commissioning could deliver more co-ordinated patient-centred care ...
Exclusive: Doubts over screening, immunisation and emergency planning
Screening is 'a complete mess', immunisation close behind and emergency planning 'a disaster waiting...
Viewpoint: The King's Fund on how general practice should change
There is much to celebrate about today's general practice, writes Dr Anna Dixon. Significant improve...
Exclusive: Less than a dozen CCGs 'very difficult to operate'
GPC chairman Dr Laurence Buckman believes less than a dozen clinical commissioning groups (CCGs) fac...
Exclusive: RCGP chairwoman's vision for future of commissioning
RCGP chairwoman Professor Clare Gerada chaired a roundtable about the future of commissioning at the...
Exclusive: Health minister denies setting GPs up to take rationing rap
Health minister Lord Howe explains the GMC already requires GPs to make best use of resources. Neil ...
Medical services should no longer be at centre of NHS, says Dorrell
The UK health service needs to be 're-imagined' to focus on social care rather than medical interven...
Exclusive: Reconfiguration - How can we make the most of opportunities for integration?
After years of policy debate, it seems that the time for reconfiguration in many parts of the NHS ha...
How to reduce unscheduled admissions in the over-75s by 20%
A Sheffield practice enjoyed award-winning results with its targeted strategy to improve healthcare ...
Viewpoint: What CCGs need to know about the NHS Commissioning Board
The scrapping of PCTs and SHAs is equivalent to major corporate change without the resources, writes...