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The Basics - Vaginal discharge
It is important to establish the cause of this common symptom, explains Dr Louise Newson....
Public Health - Recognising zoonoses
Animals can pass on infections harmful to humans. Barry Hill explains the routes of transmission....
Pictorial Case Study - Onychogryphosis
A man comes in with thickened toe nails....
Contributed by Dr Sacha Goolamali, dermatology specialist registrar and Dr Rachael Morris-Jones, con...
Causes of nail changes
Contributed by Dr Jean Watkins, a sessional GP in Hampshire...
Painful foot problems
Contributed by Dr Jean Watkins, a sessional GP in Hampshire....
At a Glance - Minor aphthous ulcer vs hand, foot and mouth
Minor aphthous ulcer Discriminatory signs Small and round or oval. Affects cheeks, lips or gums. Pal...
The Basics - Diagnosing warts
There are a number of other conditions that need to be excluded before diagnosing warts, says Dr Lau...
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- Infections and infestations (8)