GP Insight aims to help GPs, healthcare professionals and others understand their local NHS area and how it compares to other parts of the country.
Our GP Workforce Tracker analyses data about key issues related to the GP workforce including the number of patients per GP, the proportion of GPs who are partners, the proportion of GPs aged over 55, patient satisfaction and the number of appointments delivered per patient.
It is updated twice a year and you can see how things have changed over time. We now provide data that includes the most recent official figures, which are for March 2024. You can also see information from September 2023, March 2023 and September 2022, to see how things compare.
Please note, the patient satisfaction data included in the tables currently relates to 2023 and will be updated to reflect the latest data, published this month, in the coming weeks.
How does your ICB compare?
Our overall ranking table shows how each of England’s 42 ICBs compares to others on each of these measures from the most recent data. You can sort the table according to each category by clicking on the headings at the top of each column to see where your ICB stands on each measure.
Each ICB also has a page on GPonline exploring the data for that area in more detail, as well as providing data for each of the five measures for every PCN in that area and for each sub ICB if that area has these.
An interactive map highlights which ICBs are the most underdoctored and provides information on the number of patients per GP in every PCN in England as well as the proportion of GPs who are partners in each network. While graphs show how that ICB compares to the national average and to other ICBs in that region – and how things have changed over time.
PCN data
Our PCN tables on each ICB page also allow you to sort data on the number of patients per GP, the proportion of GPs who are partners, patient satisfaction, the number of appointments delivered per patient and the proportion of GPs aged over 55 in our PCN table, to see how your PCN compares with others in your patch.
You can also see all of our analysis of the data – and our analysis of other data from primary care – on our dedicated GP Insight page here.
Your feedback
We welcome any feedback on the tracker. You can email us at
- See how your ICB compares on the key measures here