Talking General Practice speaks to RCGP chair Professor Kamila Hawthorne ahead of the college’s annual conference in Glasgow this week.
In this conversation Professor Hawthorne explains what needs to be done to help tackle spiralling workload in general practice, how we can retain more GPs in the workforce and what changes are needed to help turn the current situation in general practice around.
She also talks about how the college hopes to influence political parties in the run-up to the next general election, whether the RCGP’s new exam will help tackle differential attainment and why, despite all of the current challenges, general practice is still a great career choice.
GPonline at the RCGP annual conference
The college will be launching a manifesto for general practice at its conference and you will be able to read more about this on GPonline on Thursday morning.
GPonline is delighted to once again be the college’s media partner for the RCGP annual conference, which takes place on 19 and 20 October. We’ll be in Glasgow reporting all the news from the conference - visit
This episode was presented by GPonline editor Emma Bower. It was produced by Czarina Deen.